Cold Sore Home Remedies – Do They Work?

Cold sores are a very common problem which is particularly felt during winter time. It can be very painful and cause a lot of inconvenience. One must therefore find a cold sores remedy to overcome this problem. Below are some home remedies which you may want to consider.

Half of Americans have cold sore virus; 12 percent genital herpes

Aloe Vera is a natural plant which can be used as a cold sores remedy for many people. You can use aloe Vera gel or juice to the affected area. To get the best result you should apply it directly to the sore. It can take about an hour to start working but the effect will be relief and soon after you will feel that the affected area is getting better. Do not use this remedy on broken skin. Additional info found at herpes face.

Lettuce is another one of the home remedies for cold sores. The juice from the romaine leaves can be applied directly to the sore and can provide instant relief. You can leave the juice on for about an hour and then wash it off. Before applying the leaves you should clean the area and then cover it with a bandage.

A cold sores remedy can be made using turmeric powder mixed with manuka honey. Place the mixture over the blistered area and let it stay for about thirty minutes and then wash it off with warm water. To obtain the best result you should use the mixture as soon as you feel the cold sore coming on.

A very simple cold sores home remedy is a tea bag. Put a couple of tea bags on the blistered area and cover it with a small piece of cloth or an old shirt. Leave it overnight and remove the paper-cup the next day. Put some manuka honey on the cloth and cover it with a fresh tea bag in the morning. Do it a few times daily until the cold sore has gone.

There are many other home remedies for cold sores which can be tried. It is important that you seek professional help if you are not sure about the remedy that you are going to use. Your physician can tell you more about them and also recommend you the ones that are most effective. Avoid using any home remedy for healing a cold sore unless, it is specifically stated on the bottle that it is safe to do so. In case you are wondering, the reason why a particular remedy can be safe or unsafe is because of the nature of an allergic reaction.